Tom Crandall is the overseer of Evangelism and the Director of Young Saints at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. He and his wife Leslie have served together in full-time ministry for over eighteen years, ten of which have been at Bethel. Tom has given his life to see a generation encounter God, step into freedom, discover their identity, and send them out as revivalists to impact their world with the Gospel. He is a regular instructor at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, where he trains students and leaders to impact youth, and evangelist to bring healing and salvation to a broken world with sign wonders and miracles.
Stacey Campbell is a prophetic voice to this generation and has a passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values. She is the founder of the Canadian Prophetic Council, and has helped launch prophetic roundtables in several nations. During COVID, Stacey launched a new ministry called SHILOH GLOBAL to raise up prophets to prophesy to the places of influence in society. (seewww.shilohcompany.org ). She serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Dr. Cindy Jacobs. She and her husband, Wesley, are founders a mercy organization for children at risk called “Be A Hero (see www.beahero.org).” Stacey and her husband, Wesley, serve on the Apostolic Team of HIM (Harvest International Ministries). In addition, they are the authors of five books and the Praying the Bible CD series. They have ministered in over seventy nations, laboring to see people, cities, and nations transformed. The Campbells have five grown children and live in Santa Maria, California, where they are part of the Healing Rooms of the Santa Maria Valley.
Steve Backlund is an encourager, leader developer, joy activist, and a revivalist teacher. He travels extensively throughout the world encouraging churches, leaders, and organizations into catalytic levels of hope. Steve and his wife Wendy were senior pastors for seventeen years and now reside in Redding, CA. Steve is the associate director of Bethel Leaders Network, and together with his wife is the founder of Igniting Hope Ministries. He has authored numerous books including Declarations, Igniting Faith in 40 Days, and The Culture of Empowerment.
“There is a fire in our hearts to see a move of God sweep across the globe. He is the preeminent answer to our greatest needs, and the only thing that will transform lives and cities. Our mission is to be an equipping engine for ministry to the Lord through planting local churches, events, training, funding modern-day Levites, and creating online media resources for the masses.”
- www.upperroom.co/about
Breakout Speakers:
Mary Baker
Mary Baker and her husband, Jim, have 3 boys and are the Senior Leaders of Zion Christian Fellowship in Powell, Ohio. The church is marked by worship, a strong presence of God, healings, miracles, several dead raisings and a passion for personal and regional transformation. Mary also serves as the Worship Arts Pastor and is known for leading people to experience His presence in worship where healing, joy, freedom, and deliverance are common in this environment.
Aaron Simmons
Aaron Simmons and his wife, Nicole, live in Ohio with their four beautiful daughters. After quite the journey through business, firefighting and a near divorce, Aaron and Nicole are now passionately serving God and others as the Senior Leaders of Upper Room Worship Center in Tipp City, Ohio. They also have the opportunity to travel around the world telling others about the love of Jesus. On September 10th of 2006, Aaron had an experience with God that made God real to him taking Aaron from atheist to revivalist. Since then, Aaron and Nicole have had a heart to bring Heaven to Earth and transform lives around them. Among overcoming many personal trials and before nearly burning out and quitting ministry, Aaron and Nicole were transformed by the love of Father God in a deeper level through Leif Hetland's ministry on October 6th of 2012. They are now spiritual children of Leif and Jennifer Hetland and part of the Global Mission Awareness family. Aaron has a rich heritage both naturally and spiritually and is a third generation pastor with a dream to continue to leave a supernatural Godly legacy to generations to come.
Micah Turnbo
Micah is the Pastor of Prophetic Ministry at Vineyard Northwest in Cincinnati, OH. He grew up in a very prophetic family where spending time with God was a normal part of homeschooling, and then continued his education at Cincinnati Christian University and International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO (IHOPKC). Micah’s mission is to encourage people to connect to the heart of God and his goal is to see friends of God encounter him in a real way so that his display of glory and power is recognized all across the earth.
Rusty Geverdt
Rusty brings a unique blend of ministry experience, cultivated over 35 years in both domestic and international ministry settings. He loves to share the stories of what God is doing all over the world. Currently, he and his family live in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he serves and directs a prayer ministry called Kingdom Prayer Initiatives. He also serves as pastor and an elder at Northstar Community Church in Loveland Ohio, while being sought out as a pastor-at-large in the city. Rusty has a prophetic edge and continually finds God in everyday situations; these are often the substance of his ministry and the subjects of his writings. He and his wife Jen have four children ranging from 12 to 28 yrs.